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Law No. 62

Purpose: Application of facilities for the payment of rent for the state of emergency period.

Main measures:

  • Postponement at the request of tenants of the payment of rent for the use of real estate registered as offices, workplaces, or dwellings (without payment of interest and penalties);
  • Tenants may be economic operators, practitioners of the liberal professions, legal entities under private law, whose activity has been interrupted or whose income or revenues have decreased by at least 15% in March 2020 compared to the average of the last calendar year or individuals economically or indirectly affected economically during the state of emergency;
  • Payment of rents to landlords shall be performed by the competent territorial fiscal body if the monthly rent is lower or equal to that in February 2020 and if the value of the monthly rent is of maximum RON 10,000 for the economic operators for each location and maximum RON 2,000 for natural persons for a single location.